מעי רגיז בהריון מה עושים

דיון מתוך פורום  פריון האישה והפריה חוץ גופית

18/06/2023 | 13:36 | מאת: נועה

שלום פרופ׳ אובחנתי לפני 18 שנה עם תסמונת המעי הרגיז. יש לי התפרצויות בהתאם לתקופות לחוצות. גיליתי על הריון ראשון (גיל40) ומאז הקיבה שלי משתוללת. הולכת המון לשירותים ולא מעכלת את האוכל. יש לי גם כאבי בטן וסטרס שמאיץ את המטבוליזם. ראיתי שבשנת 2012 עשו מחקר שבו ראו שנשים עם מעי רגיז עברו הפלות בשיעור של 30 אחוז לעומת אלו שללא התסמונת. בנוסף היו להן בעיות עם ההריון לאורך שלביו. רציתי לברר עד כמה המחקר הזה אמין ואפשר להסתמך עליו? כאמור מדובר על הריון ראשון שהוא יקר לי ולכן אני מאוד חוששת תודה

רוב הנשים עם תסמונת המעי הרגיז חוות מהלך היריון תקין, אבל צריך מעקב היריון צמוד. יש תשובה יפה ב CHAT GPT Women with irritable bowel disease (IBD), including conditions like Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis, may have unique considerations and potential risks during pregnancy. However, it's important to note that every individual's experience can vary, and it's crucial to consult with a healthcare professional who can provide personalized guidance. Here are some general points to consider: Fertility: Some studies suggest that women with active IBD may have slightly reduced fertility rates compared to the general population. However, with appropriate management and control of the disease, most women with IBD can conceive and have successful pregnancies. Pregnancy outcomes: Generally, IBD does not significantly increase the risk of congenital abnormalities or miscarriage. However, active disease during pregnancy may be associated with certain complications such as preterm birth, low birth weight, and cesarean section. The risk may be influenced by disease activity, medication usage, and overall health status. Disease activity: In general, women with well-controlled IBD before pregnancy are more likely to have a smoother pregnancy course. Pregnancy itself does not have a consistent effect on disease activity, as some women experience improvement while others may have flare-ups. It's important to work closely with a gastroenterologist and an obstetrician to manage symptoms and optimize disease control. Medications: Many medications commonly used to manage IBD may have specific considerations during pregnancy. Some medications, such as aminosalicylates and certain immunomodulators, are generally considered safe to continue during pregnancy. However, others, like methotrexate and certain biologic agents, are contraindicated. The specific medication regimen should be evaluated and adjusted based on individual circumstances and discussed with healthcare providers. Nutritional considerations: Proper nutrition is important for all pregnant women, including those with IBD. In some cases, individuals with IBD may have specific dietary restrictions or nutrient deficiencies, so working with a registered dietitian who specializes in IBD can be beneficial. Overall, women with IBD can have successful pregnancies with appropriate management and care. It's crucial to work closely with healthcare providers, including a gastroenterologist and an obstetrician, to monitor disease activity, adjust medications if necessary, and ensure optimal care throughout the pregnancy journey.

מנהל פורום פריון האישה והפריה חוץ גופית