vegetarian and health

דיון מתוך פורום  רפואה משלימה

24/11/2000 | 15:28 | מאת: einat nir

Hi I'm a new vegetarian and lately I've been feeling weak. I have been given advice about what I should eat, but I wanted to know if it is possible for me to stay vegetarian and still be as healthy as I would be if I wasn't a vegetarian? Also, I have heard that the only source for B12 is in animals, and this would mean that the B12 vitamins that I take must be made from animals. Is this true? Thank you, Einat

24/11/2000 | 18:14 | מאת: אייל

hi Einat In the past it was very difficult to be a vegetarian and healthy today it's a lot easier so long as you knw what you are doing. It probablly be fpr the best to get counseling from a diatitian about B12 it is true that in nature B12 can only be found in foods from the living that includes eggs, fish... nowadays B12 is cultured. not nesseseraly manufactured from animals. please consult with a diatitian ore your doctor about avalable tablets. they are to be sucked not swallowed. I hope that helped a bit. Vegetarians can be helthier than carnivours if they eat correctly.

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