Plantar Faciiaits
דיון מתוך פורום אורתופדיה
I received today cortisone injection in the heel to treat the pain due to plantar faciiaits which was quite severe and did not respond to various "taping" and arch support mechanisms. Questions: Is there a Hebrew term for this condition? Is this something like "daleket shel gid caf haregel"? Is there a link between this condition and any viral or bacterial infection such as strep? Assuming that the treatment works, is it temporary? What are the chances that additional injections would be necessary? Sorry for writing in English I, do not have support for Hebrew on this computer Thank you, Racheli temporarily in St. Paul, Minnesota
First it is Plantar fascitis Indeed there is an hebrew term: דלקת של חיתולית השעל DALEKET CHYTOLIT HASHHAL No known association eith bacterial infection The most important measures are preventive That is to say stretchings of the heel cord and the plantar fassscia A failure ti strech will doom Uto another injection
Thanks for the fast response What is/are the best ways to strech the heel cord and the plantar facia? Racheli דר' אסא לב-אל כתב/ה: > First it is Plantar fascitis > Indeed there is an hebrew term: דלקת של חיתולית השעל > DALEKET CHYTOLIT HASHHAL > No known association eith bacterial infection > The most important measures are preventive That is to say > stretchings of the heel cord and the plantar fassscia > A failure ti strech will doom Uto another injection >