כאב עצם הזנב

דיון מתוך פורום  אורתופדיה

28/09/2011 | 02:07 | מאת: y

For months I have been having pain in my lower back. The most painful is when i sit down (and at work i sit down a lot), gets progressively worse as i sit for longer. Hurts much less when standing, and laying down flat on back is the best. Pain is in my back and not reflecting down to my legs. Had an xray and MRI, doctor could not see anything and sent me to physio. After months of stretching and no improvement with physio switched to Osteopath. Osteo did a few manipulations on lower back in order to improve mobility of left joint; ended up causing more pain. We then figured out that the pain may be stemming from the tail bone. . Osteopath said the tail bone was crooked (not as it should be), said it is not showing in MRI/xray but he can feel it with his hands. He tried to externally push it back and deep skin massaged around the area. Also to release tension in joints between tail bone and bone above. He said if external treatment wont work he may try to internally straighten it. My pain has gotten much worse since (shivering up my back from pain). I am not sure if to continue treatment and if this is the right approach. I am taking ibuprofen to ease the pain. I am afraid this may get worse if i continue treatment with the same Osteophathe. Just to note, 10 years ago a lumber puncture was taken for suspected meningitis and the doctor hit the nerve. Ended up in hospital for a week and was on morphine. Not sure if this may be related to what happened back then. Any advice would be highly appreciated. Many thanks in advance

לקריאה נוספת והעמקה

Beware of the osteo XR and certainly CT and MEI will demonstrate deformity of the Cocyx Your's age is an important variant, above forty you have to rull out tumor COnsult a real doctor

מנהל פורום אורתופדיה