Total Hip Replacement
דיון מתוך פורום אורתופדיה
I was born with CDH and had ceveral hip reconstarctions, the first was when I was bout a year old and the second when I was 12 years old. I had my first hip replacement 2 years ago and had problems with it ever since the 4th month after surgery. just so you'll get a pictureof my hip condition before the replacement, the angle the feamor head was in relation to the socket was 90 degrees instead of 15 to 20 degrees like in a normal hip. also the feamore was resting above the socket. there was a suspicion for an infection in the new hip yet the aspiration reveled nothing. then my Orthopidist had said that it's busitis and that if I can live with the pain then no surgery is needed. in the mean time it's been 2 yeasr and now he says that the Polyathilene is worn out and it caused a shift in the cup. I am in unbabreable pain that not even viox and celebrex help. I am sechedualed for a second total hip September 4th . In the mean time my cnditiomn is getting worse by the minute. I am having trouble lifting my leg up to climb stairs, I need to lift my leg up with . my hands in order to get into the car oh did I mentioned that I am 23 years old? nobody can tell me what was the couse of this lossening and what is in the hip. I do trast the surgen who will be doing the surgery here because he is one of the best in the country (Prf. Daniel Reise in Rambam Hospital). My question is, what can make something like this happen if I did not ingage in any radical activity what so ever not before nor after surgery. actually I was more on crutches after surgery then off them.... I'd like to hear your opinion on the matter as well. thank you very much.
אחת הבעיות עם החלפת מפרק ירך היא התרופפות המשתל יש מספר סיבות להתרופפות ואחת מהן היא שחיקה של כיפת הפוליאתילן המצפה את החלק האצטבולרי. מסיבה זאת כיום עוברים לשימוש בחמרים אחרים כמו פוליאתילן אולטרה קשה, קרמיקה או מתכת. נכון שיש קשר בין קצב השחיקה של הפוליאתילן והפעילות אך יש גורמים נוספים כמו מנח יחסי של המשתלים שגורם לחץ יתר במקום מסויים . במידה שאמנם חלה התרופפות כזאת אין מנוס אלא להחליף את המשתל כלומר לעשות ניתוח חוזר.
Thank you very much for you reply. I guess I will fully know what could have caused such a loosening so fast only once the old prostesis is out. All I can say is that I hope that this time I'll get more then a month pain free. Thanks again for your reply.