Sex problem

דיון מתוך פורום  מיניות האישה, הריון ומניעתו

27/08/2011 | 13:00 | מאת: Lisi

Hello Leora! i am writing in english because my good friend dont know hebrew.and this is my question,,,i know him over 7 years online, and only with me he can talk veryopenly because he is a very closed person.he is 61 andlong time married. he told me he like very much sex and would like have it even every day.Since he was 13 he start using his hand. at home sex is long a taboo, he cant say what he would questioin is ,,,,,,,is somethin wrong when a man want daily sex? Is that normal? and what could be the reason for that? is this his testostron or what? Pls would like to know because he is often asking me if its normal to have this feelings. Thank you forward Lisi.

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מנהלי פורום מיניות האישה, הריון ומניעתו