הבדיקות למעקב אחר הסרטן-ד"ר ברנר נא תגובתך למאמר

דיון מתוך פורום  טיפולים משלימים בסרטן

24/05/2007 | 14:34 | מאת: רונית

RE: [FlaxSeedOil2] Re: Tumor Markers We do not have any highly reliable tumor marker tests---natural or conventional The following is what is at the bottom of most CEA lab reports. If you don't ask for a copy of your blood work then you will never be told this: "Because the concentration of CEA in any given specimen can vary due to differences in assay methods AND reagent specificity, values from different assay methods cannot be used interchangeably. Serum CEA levels, regardless of value, should not be interpreted as absolute evidence of the presence or absence of disease. CEA is not intended for use as a cancer screening test." For those of you relying on these serum markers please copy the above and paste it somewhere so that you can read it daily. There is far too much of an emotional rollercoaster that is attached to these supposedly "all-knowing" tests. If the tumor is larger than 2.5 then the AMAS test is not a good test. Thermography is still very new AND requires a person who is very skilled at reading the images. MRI is probably the best option AND will probably become one of the better ways to monitor cancer. The concern here is that some doctors still do not realize the capabilities of the MRI. CAT AND PET Scans deliver very high amounts of radiation which no cancer patient needs. PSA is absolutely not reliable. Also, on the evening news in Houston tonight, there is a doctor that is developing saliva tests to indicate cancer. He is working on breast right now AND is very close to going into FDA trials for the breast saliva test. They are also working on pancreas, colon AND several others that escape my memory. I think that MD Anderson is also in on the development. Anyway they say that you will be able to do these tests in your dentist's office. I find this kind of amusing because of the many MD's that will not accept saliva testing for hormonal imbalance but insist on serum testing which almost always comes back normal even though the patient is presenting classic symptoms of hormonal imbalance. The best method to tell what is going on is how the patient feels, looks, energy levels, pain levels AND over-all symptoms. Blood tests don't really need to be done but every 3-6 months. The blood changes daily AND checking every week OR two weeks does nothing but cause emotional turmoil. If you are doing a natural program such as Budwig then you must be patient AND give it some time to work. For some people it will be a short amount of time and for others it will be a longer time. I believe that the more conventional methods that have been used (chemo, radiation, multiple surgeries) then the longer natural methods take to work. Remember that the body must repair what the conventional methods has messed-up along with healing the cancer. That's a lot!! So rest, relax, be patient, believe that what you are doing is working, live life, laugh AND give thanks to God. Do the program correctly AND don't try to find ways to make it more "convenient" for yourself. You either want to get well OR you don't AND obviously what you have been doing in the past did not work because it made the terrain accessible for cancer. It concerns me when cancer patients AND their families get so caught up in what the "tests" say. Especially when trying to implement natural remedies. Don't panic but keep doing the program the way that it needs to be done. Read the directions over AND over to make sure that you are not missing anything. Don't leave anything out. You did not get cancer in 3-6-9-12 months but over a period of years. Chances are that the healing process will be just that----a process. Patience, Faith (Belief) AND Compliance to the program are the keys to getting well. Be Well, Loretta

לקריאה נוספת והעמקה

כאשר אתה עוקב אחר חולה סרטן, ורוצה לדעת האם הוא בהפוגה, האם המחלה חוזרת, האם המחלה אקטיבית, האם הטיפול שאתה נותן לו מצליח וכו', אתה צריך להשתמש בכל האמצעים שיש לך. לכן צריך לשלב ראשית התבוננות קלינית=איך הוא מרגיש, האם יש סימפטומים של המחלה, האם המשקל עולה או יורד, האם יש תאבון, כאבים, חולשה, קוצר נשימה וכו', האם המצב כיום טוב יותר מלפני שבוע או יותר גרוע וכו'. שנית צריך להשתמש בסמני גידול, CEA, CA 19-9, CA 125, CA 19-9, PSA, AFP בטה HCG ואחרים. האם רמת הסמנים עולה, יורדת או נשארת יציבה. מה קצב השינוי בסמן הגידולי, מה כמות השינוי בסמן הגידולי וכו'. המעקב אחר הסמן הגידולי יכול לתת לעיתים קרובות אינדיקציה לגבי מצב החולה, מצב המחלה ויעילות הטיפול. כמו כל בדיקה יש מצבים בהם בדיקת הסמנים אינה נותנת את האינדיקציה הנכונה ולעיתים אפילו נותנת אינידיקציה הפוכה. לכן תמיד צריך לשלב את בדיקת הסמנים עם הממצאים הקליניים וההדמיתיים. השימוש בהדמיה הוא חשוב למרות שכרוב לעיתים בקרינה ברמות שונות. CT, MRI, PET-CT , מיפויים וכו' הם הדרך המדוייקת ביותר כיום להערכית הם קיים בגוף גידול, היכן הוא נמצא ומה גודלו. האם יש הבדל בגודל ובצורה, בכמות ובמיקום בין בדיקה אחת לקודמת וכו'. אין, כאמור, בדיקה אחת שהיא אבסולוטית ולכן צריך להשתמש בכל האמצעים כדי להעריך נכונה את מצבו של החולה. ד"ר יוסף ברנר

24/05/2007 | 15:29 | מאת: PUBMED

1: Eur J Intern Med. 2007 May;18(3):175-184. s Role of tumor markers in patients with solid cancers: A critical review. The measurement of tumor markers is currently one of the most rapidly growing areas in laboratory medicine. Lack of sensitivity AND specificity preclude the use of most existing markers for the early detection of malignancy. For patients with diagnosed malignancy, however, markers are potentially useful in determining prognosis, predicting therapeutic response, maintaining surveillance following curative surgery AND monitoring therapy in advanced disease. Clinically useful markers include CEA in the surveillance of patients with diagnosed colorectal cancer, AFP AND HCG in the management of patients with non-seminomatous germ cell tumors, HCG in the management of patients with trophoblastic disease, CA 125 for monitoring therapy in patients with ovarian cancer, estrogen receptors for predicting response to hormone therapy in breast cancer AND HER-2 for the identification of women with breast cancer likely to respond to trastuzumab (Herceptin). Although widely used, the impact of PSA screening in reducing mortality from prostate cancer remains to be shown.

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