חוסר יציבות

דיון מתוך פורום  אורתופדיית ילדים

23/09/2007 | 14:34 | מאת: פנינה

My grandson is 14month a twin (not identical) was born in the 35th week of pregnancy with a normal weight. When he stands AND also when he sits he has shakiness. He was diagnosed with alot of ear fluid AND is going to have ear tubes put in this week as the Bara test showed a loss of hearing in his left ear. My question is could the ear fluid OR problem with his ears cause the אי יציבות Thank you

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בהחלט יכול להיות קשר, רצוי להתייעץ עם רופא אף אוזן גרון

מנהל פורום אורתופדיית ילדים