where is my period?

דיון מתוך פורום  דימומים גינקולוגיים בלתי סדירים ורפואת נשים

22/01/2007 | 17:59 | מאת: hope

hello doctor i'm 22y,my last period was 6 weeks ago,i took a pregnancy test today it was negative.my period is usually punctual but in the last month i have brown spots of blood every day for 3 weeks .i've been to the doctor AND she has no explenation.i'm reasonably healthy.what is wrong with me? could the home pregnancy test be wrong? thank you in advance

have you performed an ultrasound exam? it is most likely that the US will help in the diagnosis furthermore, you did not write if you are under pills of any kind, what is you genral AND gynecological health condition AND if you desire pregnancy at the moment/ \sincerely, Dr. Cohen

מנהל פורום דימומים גינקולוגיים בלתי סדירים ורפואת נשים