דיון מתוך פורום סוכרת
Stevia Becomes Truvia Today we know the name of a previously unheard of sweetener, named Truvia. It's pronounced Tru-VEE-a AND promises to have a pronounced effect on the choice of sweeteners that many people use. It's non-caloric AND natural. It will be big because the big boys, Cargill AND The Coca-Cola Company, are behind it. It's especially big news for people who want to lose weight, like most people with diabetes. Truvia is the brand name of the extract rebiana from the stevia plant that these companies launched in a Webinar this morning. I used my new digital voice recorder to make a copy for you here. This 27-minute introduction to Truvia starts with music that is too loud, so when you start playing it, be sure to turn down the volume on your speak...
שוב דוגמא לניצול לרעה של חופש הבישה והפטפוט באתרי האינטרנט. הקטע מהווה פרסומת סמויה לתכשיר המבוסס על סטיביה. אבל מה לעשות.- סוכרלוז הרבה יותר טוב....