Circumcision - you can answer in Hebrew
דיון מתוך פורום אורולוגיה ופריון הגבר
Hi Dr Linn, We can read Hebrew !!! We live in London AND our nearly one year old son was circumsized here by a well known Mohel who is also a Doctor. On our last visit to an urolog regarding undescended testicles, He pointed out that his penis is 70 degrees twisted due to the circumcision AND a repair surgery is needed. The Mohel thinks it is only 40 degrees twisted AND we should avoid any surgery at this stage because it might be fine as he grows older. Do you have any advice\recommandation for us ? We are really not sure since this surgery might be traumatic for him AND we would not want him AND us to go through it unless it is really necessary. Thanks alot. p.s. We will be in Israel in September so if you have any idea about someone that we could get his opinion, we will be greatful
one year is very young to treat this deformity. there is absolutely no hurry, AND you could be consulted upon visiting israel on september ruke of thumb - the urologist is right AND not the mohel wish you a pleasant stay