שארית הפליטה

דיון מתוך פורום  אורולוגיה ופריון הגבר

26/06/2002 | 20:06 | מאת: חזי

Hello! i heard there's a straight connection between slipped disc & premature ejaculation! i'm 24 y.old my disc is slipped between L5-S1 followed by a light neurological problem in my legs! before i slipped my disk out during an accident i performed in intercourse like a normal man should perform, in a positively way, the problem didn't appear just as the accident occured, it took a while tho! today 5 years after the injury i climax just as soon as i penetrate.(in foreplay i can last forever tho) if there's indeed a connection between the 2 problems, please tell me what i should do. best regards sean **i have a full MRI results if needed

please contact me to my email: ranoz@@walla.co.il for details

מנהל פורום אורולוגיה ופריון הגבר