Surgery of intestines and a complication
דיון מתוך פורום פרוקטולוגיה, כירורגיה קולורקטלית ומחלות מעי דלקתיות
My cousin had an operation for intestines, part of sigmo-type of intestines have been deleted 0.5 years ago. As a complication, he had an impass. " - Second operation in Rambam found out that the reason was some soldered joints or glued intestines. I would appreciate your opinion and advise or a name of the Doctor -specialist
לקריאה נוספת והעמקה
Your question is not clear. Do you mean he had adhesions after his first operation?
(מספר מקשר)
Yes, he has an adhesions after first operation. Would like to consult with you if there are any medicine or methods to prevent creation of adhesions
There is no method or medicine or treatment to prevent the formation of post operative adhesions
(מספר מקשר)