fucus vesiculosus
דיון מתוך פורום אנדוקרינולוגיה והפרעות בגדילה בקרב ילדים
my question is the following: i''m hypothyroide sind 6 months I'm taking eltroxin 50 micogr, the last bloodresults was ok,tsh 0.3, 6 months ago it was 8.5 in one year I gain in weight 10 kg i would like to know if I can stop the treatment of eltroxin? or do I have to continue it for the rest of my live? also I read about fucus vesiculosus,bladderwrack, a kind of seaplant that can help loosing weight.Is it oke to take this because it contains iodine like kelp? thanks to answer me, in hebrew is ok for me to read,