The airport in Hong Kong

דיון מתוך פורום  מחלות זיהומיות

06/05/2003 | 11:46 | מאת: Hadas

Hello, Right now im in Australia and i need to come back home,to Israel through Hong Kong. I'd like to know if the 'Transfer' area inside the air port-where you change to a different plane,is dangerous,and different from other areas in the air port?should i wear a masc,there, and do i need it on the plane itself? And i would also like to know if the food from hong kong is dangerous. thank you..

לקריאה נוספת והעמקה

HELLO HADAS, - It is safer to go through another air-port than Hong-Kong, but if you don't have a choice go via this airport and wear a protective mask. Regardless, I wouldn't worry too much about the food. All the Best Efy

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