I wanted to know which hospital you are in?
דיון מתוך פורום ניתוח קיצור קיבה בחולי סוכרת
hello Dr. Keidar, I was at Hadassa Ein Karem around 4 months ago to see you, and I DID all the tests that you requested, but by the time I had an appointment to see you they called me and cancelled saying that you are no longer in Hadassa , which Hospital are you in now? Is there any coverage in the Meuchedet?
לקריאה נוספת והעמקה
I am working in Beilinson Hosputal now in Petach Tiqva it does work with meuhedet to make an appoint you need to call 03-9376666 best
(מספר מקשר)

פרופ' אנדריי קידר