כאב ראש מצררי קלסתר הדק

דיון מתוך פורום  נוירולוגיה - מבוגרים

30/07/2017 | 16:40 | מאת: אורית

שלום אני סובלת מקלסתר הדק שאלה תאורטית- רציתי לדעת בהריון האם יש סכנה ? האם יש השלכות? תודה רבה

לקריאה נוספת והעמקה

לאורית שלום, עצם כאב הראש כנראה יננו מסוכן בהריון, אך כדאי לתכנן אלו תרופות לקחת - הן למניעה והן לטיפול. רצוי מאד להתיעץ עם רופאייך. ראי גם צטוט מתוך http://emedicine.medscape.com/article/1142459-treatment : Management of pregnant patients CH is rare during pregnancy, but when it does occur, episodes tend to have the same character and severity as in nonpregnant patients. [16] Treatment options for pregnant women are poorly documented. The first line of treatment is pure oxygen via a nonrebreather mask (see image below). Triptans and ergot alkaloids should be avoided. The use of selected preventive medications, which are rated pregnancy category B, should be discussed thoroughly with the patient and her obstetrician. [ וכן: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/j.1468-2982.2008.01764.x/full Abstract Cluster headache is a rare disorder in women, but has a serious impact on the affected woman's life, especially on family planning. Women with cluster headache who are pregnant need special support, including the expertise of an experienced headache centre, an experienced gynaecologist and possibly a teratology information centre. The patient should be seen through all stages of the pregnancy. A detailed briefing about the risks and safety of various treatment options is mandatory. In general, both the number of medications and the dosage should be kept as low as possible. Preferred treatments include oxygen, subcutaneous or intranasal sumatriptan for acute pain and verapamil and prednisone/prednisolone as preventatives. If there is a compelling reason to treat the patient with another preventative, gabapentin is the drug of choice. While breastfeeding, oxygen, sumatriptan and lidocaine for acute pain and prednisone/prednisolone, verapamil, and lithium as preventatives are the drugs of choice. As the individual pharmacokinetics differ substantially, adverse drug effects should be considered if unexplained symptoms occur in the newborn. יתכן שרופאך ירצה לקרוא גם את: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3971427/ Treatment of Cluster Headache in Pregnancy and Lactation Anne H. Calhoun Department of Psychiatry, University of North Carolina, and the Carolina Headache Institute, 103 Market Street, Chapel Hill, NC 27516, USA B. Lee Peterlin בברכת בריאות, כרמל ערמון

30/07/2017 | 18:30 | מאת: אורית

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