תשובה של ביופביה שרירים רוצה טיפול

דיון מתוך פורום  נוירולוגיה - מבוגרים

21/02/2018 | 21:57 | מאת: יאיר

IV & E shows aa aaemal aa large size muscle fibers have mo cut out count of small or unger uners, as well as large fehers s etemal nucles and there is a lot of nuclear picnotic cloc. There is slightly re-actively the small basophilic fibers. There are necotsis icun.There is no mononuaclear cellity.The pernysium shows increased fat in some areas. The NADFt fibers are Marie shews with distinct areas, some with key nuclei. But otherwise the normal internal architecture and fiber typing scenes of black Sudun s of nornal COX-SDEI stoun Highlights many COX-ncgative positive fibers, which up to 9 per 10x ficld showno disturbed abeormality red Cengo shows no Amslo ATPae pil9 4 shows even the distribution of fiber types with mild fiber type ATPasc grouping PLT 43 shows even destruction of fiber types with muld type grouping fiber Alalire phosphutasc stauning ts Regular Phos showing branched fibers with internal staining maldpunctate Enerse Shas Sonard fibers with mild words ctate intermal staining CD siwws Some CD8 cells and CD4 Scatturod shows scaticred some clls.CD20 shows just how much Crad cs Interpretet Mspaty with the prosecutor fiber cores and mystondrial dystanctan is seen in coves

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מנהל פורום נוירולוגיה - מבוגרים