Iodine/Iodide supplement

דיון מתוך פורום  תרופות ורוקחות

05/05/2015 | 14:24 | מאת: Amir

Do you have a supplement that contains both Iodine and Potassium Iodide? Could u send me the full info? Thanks

hi, i'm not faimiliar with such a supplement. most of iodine supplements are based on kelp or iodine fortified salts.

05/05/2015 | 18:18 | מאת: Amir

I am currently usind a product from Merc which is Potassium iodiDE, but, I understand the body needs also iodine, so could u please tell me which exactly is the name of the product u have ? (i am out of israel and will ask someone to buy it for me) if u can indicate how much it cost, it would be helpful. THANKS

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