
דיון מתוך פורום  רפואה ומשפט

22/11/2003 | 16:55 | מאת: mike Goshen

Dear doctor and advocate. I served in the Israeli Comando Navy, and had to dive and swim in the Kishon River and Haifa Port too for years. All these activities were at night. in the day time I was exposed to the direct sun for 3 yeatrs without any cream at all. now MELANOMA IN SITUE has apeared. it has been operated and hopefuly...removed. the official cancer papers on USA on the internet say that will return. the IDF will not take responsibilty on my case...they have turned me down... what can be done? how can I try to get them understad this situation?

לקריאה נוספת והעמקה

melanoma has a streight connection with sunlight if it can be prooved that u were exposed for hours and hours to the sun - it might be that u have a case i would like to recieve everything u had include uyour position -which i cannot say now - but could do it in email. as u may well know - there are guys that are exposed in the comando and some people are less exposed. please write to: [email protected]

מנהל פורום רפואה ומשפט