שלום אני בחול עשיתי mri לשלול טרשת

דיון מתוך פורום  טרשת נפוצה - רמב"ם

23/06/2019 | 01:14 | מאת: מתן

אתה יכול לעזור לי בפענוח?תודה והאם זה שולל טרשת TECHNIQUE: Recumbent: Axial GE, Axial T2, Axial FLAIR, Sagittal T1, Coronal T2, Axial DWI, Coronal T1 thin, Axial T1 thin Post Gadolinium: (9 mL of Gadavist was administered) Axial T1, Coronal T1, Coronal T1 thin, Axial T1 thin HISTORY: Patient complains of dizziness and headaches. INTERPRETATION: The ventricles and subarachnoid spaces are appropriate for the patient�s age. There is no evidence for an intracranial mass or focal signal abnormality or abnormal enhancement within the brain. The brainstem and posterior fossa demonstrate no abnormalities. Normal flow voids are maintained within the major intracranial portions of the internal carotid arteries and the vertebrobasilar system. The IAC's and CP angles demonstrate no focal lesions or abnormal enhancement. The intraorbital contents are unremarkable. The optic nerves and extraocular muscles are normal in size and signal intensity and demonstrate no abnormal enhancement on post gadolinium images. The pituitary gland and fossa are within normal limits. IMPRESSION: ������������� No evidence of an intracranial mass, focal signal abnormality or abnormal enhancement within the brain. The optic nerves are normal in appearance and demonstrate no abnormal signal or abnormal enhancement on post gadolinium images.

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מנהל פורום טרשת נפוצה - רמב"ם