PLEASE - Question to the DR

דיון מתוך פורום  מחלות דרכי העיכול - רפואה משולבת

01/10/2003 | 22:36 | מאת: sarit

Hello Dr Dayan, I have heard so much about you and your treatments and i need your advice: for the last 4 years i have been drinking a slimimg tea every night that contains senna leaf. Today i know it was stupid of me to even begin taking this tea, but i am a former bolimic andi guess this was the reason in the first place i tried to stop but then i get constipation and i think my bowl now are as you call 'lazy' is there a hope????? what can i do? is there a treatment to bring the bowl into a normal function?? i was not suffering from constipation before that Please help!!!

שלום please phone me 03-6496888 dr. dayan

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